
29 July 2013

The Logic of Beliefs

Apes to neanderthals to homo sapiens. At least that is the evolutionary 'Logic' Science has taught us to 'believe' in. Faith and belief have been a part of mankind's psyche ever since we started walking on two feet. Humans have constantly been debating on these polarized views -  Logic Vs Beliefs.

How do we explain the authenticity of one of the greatest epics. Science might not be able to prove that mankind existed back then. Yet we have enough historical and religious facts supporting this epic, strewn across the country, even today. For thousands of years, people 
have believed in this story and are continuing to do so even in this modern world. Are they all illogical and blinded by some non existent  truth? Or do they see some thing that Science is yet to comprehend.

Humans have always looked up to a fellow human to guide them, lead them, tell them what is to be done. Yet, we also frown upon these hero worshipers and belittle these God men for misleading the humans. Why would highly educated and intelligent people follow a spiritual leader with absolute reverence and 'believe' that it is the most logical thing to do. Do they experience something things that Science or logic could never explain. 

When the believers have faith in the existence of a Supreme power, Science rubbishes it. When Science tries to explain the logic behind faith the believers frown up on it. Heck, when science tries to explain the moon landing, we question the logic and beliefs behind it too. 

Won't life be easier when we simply respect both these views and not over analyse. If someone feels solace in praying to a stone or serving a fellow human with reverence, let him be. If some one tries to explore the logic of every thing around, let them be. Why do we always believe in the logic that some thing has to be better than the other. Why can't they be equally right? 

It is the war between Science (Logic) and Beliefs (religion/faith etc) that has helped this race evolve faster. 

Maybe we need more faith to believe in this logic. This debate will continue till the end of time, (as we know it logically)...or the time there after (as we believe it to continue)

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