
09 June 2014

That annoying status update

"Tired of waiting. Feeling so sleepy"
Where have you seen this type of status update before? The typical responses that follow this all-important 'Breaking News' might give you a hint.
"Why don't you sleep? Where are you?" 
Why don't you sleep? A simple yet profound question that not only shows care but gives an intelligent solution to a friend's odd hour predicament. What a genius. 
"International airport. Flight delayed". 
This guy apparently likes to keep his cards close to his chest. He wants to keep the world intrigued a little longer. 
"Where are you off to?"
Our 'tired' friend heaves a sigh of relief. Finally, someone popped the question that he was hoping to be asked all along.
Nothing annoys me more than such status updates. I wonder why people do that. Why can't they tell their friends that they are off to some international city? When was the last time you saw an update that read  "waiting for the bus? Tired" Or "Long queue at the ration shop." Something about the International airports that tire those with a smartphone.
We as humans have always been suckers for the needless and the unnecessary. And these attention seekers play on our voyeuristic nature. The experiences that we go through gives us a million reasons to whine about something or the other, every day. Every moment is a potential 'Status update' or even worse a rubbish blog post material (such as this one). 
One of my recent airport experience gave me enough frustrations to last a lifetime. With some writing skills, I could have written a few novels out of these experiences. But then, i don't like to complain about air travel. I have too much respect for what the Wright brothers did and what if they had got not got it right. Not too long back, we were traveling by bullock carts, if you could afford to use one, that is. 
So no blog against air travel experience. But then, I was getting too annoying for myself with all that wait and hunger. I wanted a distraction. A let out. 
So I took my phone and started typing the words, convincing myself that the world is waiting to read them.  And I posted my status update
"Tired of waiting. Feeling hungry"

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