
25 September 2020

Times Now in Republic India Today

A Personal take on the media circus that we have witnessed in the last 3 months

Media Circus

The drama started unfolding with the shocking end to a promising life

but everyone smelt the rat and suspected the menace that ran rife.

A rebel without a cause fights on, brave and unfazed 

Even as she 'Ran out' of space in the ruins that got razed.

The 'nuis'ance media pants and rants in their race to gloat 'Exclusive'

but, is it their birthright to be abusive and intrusive?

Republic may be the name but freedom of speech is a big nay

they will grab 'Ar nab' your views even before you have a say

The Nation wants to know, why do they dramatize and overplay

with the frenzied debates always ending in disarray.

NCB is like that excited and confused kid in a candy store

too overjoyed to grab anything but still wants more

Was the bureau sleeping even as the A-Listers turned brats?

Sadly, they are left chasing the tail armed only with few historical chats.

Even as the masked and dazed divas beeline for interrogation

One can't help but wonder, whatever happened to the original murder investigation

Truth in India Today is all about what you chose to believe in

We live in an interesting Times Now where sensationalism masks all sin.

We have seen this movie before and we all know how it ends

Justice and closure in favor of all those who are friends


  1. So true. It's a dejavu. Some starlet asked for or smoked a hash or a joint someday, wonder how it leads to the cracking SSR case.

  2. I(ndia) want(s) to know what this all about. Why the sudden outburst? I know for sure our media like any other media anywhere in the world is crazy. They make us crazy also. Hence I stopped watching all news and at peace with myself. So, I am out of touch but can understand the undercurrent and the anguish every one of you is going thru. They create side kicks to enable offenders to escape. This is just one of that. In the end they will divert the topic so well you will forget the story line. If you expect truth to prevail, you are in for a surprise. Even in Pakistan a Prime minister can be arrested and hauled up b4 the judiciary. In India, every one will go Scot free. Watch it. The drama will unveil. The media is just a willing partner.

    Hats off to your language, so flowing like Sashi Tharoor. So apt at every sentence. I can't stop enjoying. Let me be honest, initially I had difficulty in understanding Sashi Tharoor English. I had to read it a few times. Now atleast I know what's in your mind. Keep going with more and more such out of the box blogs.

  3. Loved this ! Funny interesting and hard hitting :) ! Every Indian will be able to relate with ths :)

  4. Wow. It's a masterpiece Bhaskar. Unfortunately the media houses in India these days have become like circuses. This satire packed with punches hits on the right spots. Amazing.. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻

  5. Loved your blog, Bhaskar and the imagery therein..Lots of punning, yet food for thought.

    The thinker in me attempts these thoughts, provoked by your message.

    Brace for errors, as it is a fluid expression of thoughts and words... Unedited and uncensored..

    So here it goes...

    Truly a drama to sell eyeballs, TRP and generate ad revenue. The news has lost its value, authenticity and its importance.Breaking news breaks no barriers, thoughts or bring any transformation.

    The buffoonery has been well depicted in your imagery and enacted by all media personnel in public. Wonder what Charlie Chaplin and Raj Kapoor would have said on these "Jokers". Yet the show of 3 hours (as in life - Childhood, adulthood, old age) must go on... Mera Naam Jokers.. hear me...

    But show what, when , where, how, why, which, who and how, is anybody's guess.

    It is fun to be an observer observing these unbelievable dramas unfold (as Jiddu Krishnamurthy encourages us to be), if you are a philosopher, historian, social commentator or just a human observer.

    What all human beings need to do, to fulfill their vanity, ego, pride, money bags etc..

    To what length will the most intelligent of species go down to in stupidity, to keep their media wheels rotating. Which all bodies must this jaggernaut run over, to keep the fellow homosapiens amused, focused and pleasured.What all nonsense must be told, heard, gossipped and replayed to get the distracted audiences' attention.

    However ridiculous, the world will watch... As they are locked down by a virus, a virulent economy and ever present couch potatoes.

    So is the situation hopeless, irredeemable and caught in a whirlpool of irrevocable pull towards the societies death?

    I don't think so..One must be hopeful...

    Let us , however small a number we are, wisen up , seek clarity of what we see, hear and speak... Try to put sanity to our thought, word and deed.

    Let us be change makers to the society which has lost its way into " the dreary desert sand of dead habits".

    Let us as Tagore says " ...the mind be led forward by thee into ever widening thought and action"

    " Into that heaven of freedom, my father , let my country awake"- not a Tagore's plea, a prayer or his eternal hope; but as Vivekananda urges us, to help turn to warriors of action...from our inaction and ineptitude.

    For that to happen " the mind should be without fear" , Tagore adds...

    " The head must be held high", not like it is down , down and one of shame...

    Tagore's Gitanjali, which I quoted as above, is a lamp in the darkness.

    It shows us the way, if we are willing to see it.

    Or do we.need Mahabharatha's Sanjaya' eyes? Or the third eye of Shiva?

    We need true leaders who can take us from darkness to light (this buffoonery is nothing short of darkness- one of the mind).

    ... Leaders who can lead this journalism, press and media; that is dead and resurrect it back to life and immortality ... That is what true journalism, literature and luminaries do... their work and literature, as Tagore's; live on forever..and to immortality .

    Lastly, may the leaders lead from untruth (that is rampant in these fake news and power mongering world) to truth (honest journalism, responsible news and transformative writers who can change the society and world.

    But who will be the leaders... You, I, We...

    The 3 monkeys are our guide...
    " See no evil" ( that which is dished out today)

    " Hear no evil ( as above)

    " Talk no evil" ( by sharing what you heard in these fake world of news)

    From monkeys to man... Charles Darwin will be happy about this evolution...

    The fittest survived.

    ... And thrived!!!!

    The historian if 2050 will write our results or it is any way on our obituary.

    The truth is the truth... Let it be told and heard!!!


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