It cannot be Artificial Intelligence for sure

So we can safely eliminate AI from the suspect list.
Or is it Natural Stupidity?
Well, let us admit that there are many out there with this special ability. Stupidity naturally becomes a prime suspect for any detrimental impact. And of course, it is a problem, for society at large. But is it one of the biggest challenges faced by companies today? I am not too sure.
Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason or wit. So a question to organisations? Why hire those who display these signs in the first place or why keep them if we are intelligent enough to recognize these telltale signs of stupidity. So if Natural Stupidity is a reason we are whining about, then we need to reassess our own intelligence. This is more a case of Artificial Problems that companies impose on themselves. Yes, Natural Stupidity will have a damaging impact if we continue to breed this lot. Otherwise not.
Stupidity is a lack of intelligence, understanding, reason or wit. So a question to organisations? Why hire those who display these signs in the first place or why keep them if we are intelligent enough to recognize these telltale signs of stupidity. So if Natural Stupidity is a reason we are whining about, then we need to reassess our own intelligence. This is more a case of Artificial Problems that companies impose on themselves. Yes, Natural Stupidity will have a damaging impact if we continue to breed this lot. Otherwise not.
So let us not blame natural stupidity to cover our own lack of intelligence.
Can Natural Rebels be the issue?
Non-Conformists or as a modern marketing manager calls them ‘Disruptors’ are those who impact society and organizations. They are the change agents. They are usually considered mad because they are often ready to risk it all. But don’t we need these madmen to help us stay ahead in the race and make this world a more convenient place to live in? Our thoughts, our beliefs, our technology and everything else that we have are because of these few out of the box thinkers who dared to think differently, who chose to question the status quo. Having these mavericks in our mix is probably the sanest thing to do. After all, “In a mad world, only the mad are sane." So they can’t be a challenge. They are in fact a boon.If Artificial Intelligence, Natural stupidity or Natural Rebels are not the real challenges then who or what is?
The real culprit: Artificial Stupidity
We search, hunt, hire and nurture natural intelligence. Why do we look for intelligent people? Natural Intelligence enables a better understanding of the environment and quick adaptability to it, among other things.But, when the adapted environment becomes a comfort zone complacency sets in. And complacency results in dumbing down of all the traits that made us intelligent in the first place. In other words, Natural Intelligence breeds conformists who thrive on the status quo. They learn to curb their instincts, their passion and most times their intellect thus creating this destructive human trait that I call Artificial Stupidity.
Capable and intelligent individuals who over a period of time, morph themselves into this unrecognizable version of themselves. They become so proficient at turning a blind eye to mistakes, are happy following a non-existent rule, they become risk-averse and their only interest becomes survival. Fear of failure is their primary instinct.
Should not the organizations be more worried about this dangerous lot that they breed and nurture?
Who is responsible for this slide? Is it the organisation or the employee himself? Well, that’s another topic for another day.
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